IAR 构建工具(Renesas RX Linux 版)

我们为知名的 IAR Embedded Workbench for Renesas RX 提供一个支持 Linux 的版本的构建工具。这些工具提供领先的代码质量、出色的尺寸和速度优化以及快速的构建时间。



在基于 Linux 的环境中进行构建

完整构建工具(Renesas RX)包括 IAR C/C++ 编译器、IAR 汇编器、链接器和命令行构建工具 IARBuild,支持在基于 Linux 的框架中实现自动化应用构建和测试流程。这些构建工具能够为人机界面 (HMI)、工业自动化和无线连接应用的关键软件构建和测试实现大规模部署。






精妙的 IAR Systems 优化技术为 Renesas RX 生成了非常紧凑和快速的代码。平均来说,IAR 构建工具(Linux 版)和 IAR Embedded Workbench for Renesas RX 产生的代码比 CC RX 和 GCC 生成的都要小 27 %。



支持用于 CI/CD 的现代化可扩展的构建服务器拓扑结构,包括虚拟机、容器 (Docker) 和自托管的运行器。



购买 IAR 构建工具(Renesas RX)后,您可以通过我们的 IAR Academy on Demand (AoD)产品获得免费培训课程。


由 IAR 构建工具赋能支持




构建服务器和构建场需要灵活和高性能的环境。通过使用我们的构建工具,您能够在跨平台环境中原生地使用持续集成 (CI) 和持续交付 (CD),或者在高性能的虚拟机或容器使用。这使您能够专注于源代码,而不必担心耗时的手动任务,同时错误也会被自动捕获。



Latest version: 5.10

  • Library support for the C++17 language standard

    The toolset includes a new C++ library that supports C++17 library features.

  • Additional GNU C language extensions

    The IAR C/C++ Compiler supports a number of new GCC-style operators, attributes and expressions in extended language mode.

  • RX660 and RX26T supported

    The RX660 and RX26T groups of microcontrollers are now supported.

  • Iarbuild enhancements

    The iarbuild command line build utility now supports:

    • Generating a Ninja build file based on the IAR Embedded Workbench project format
    • Generating a JSON description of the Embedded Workbench project
    • More C-STAT reporting and configuration methods
  • C-STAT enhancements
    • MISRA C:2012 Amendment 2
      The static analysis tool C-STAT has extended its coverage of the MISRA C:2012 Coding Standard and now fully supports MISRA C:2012 Amendment 2. This Amendment adds two additional rules to MISRA C:2012 and introduces support for ISO/IEC 9899:2011, commonly referred to as "C11".
    • Improved performance
      Depending on the project, the analysis can be up to 40% faster and memory consumption reduced by up to 20%, compared to the previous version of C-STAT.
  • Updated device support

    The device support files have been updated to the most recent version from Renesas.

  • Updated user documentation

    The C/C++ Development Guide, C-SPY Debugging Guide, and IDE Project Management and Building Guide have been updated to reflect the product changes.

Read complete release notes

Version 4.20

  • IAR Build Tools for Linux

    This new product is called IAR Build Tools for Renesas RX and requires a separate product license. It is distributed as a Debian package for Ubuntu containing the IAR C/C++ Compiler, IAR Assembler, Linker and library tools, C-STAT, IARBuild, and runtime libraries.

  • MISRA C:2012 Amendment 1

    The static analysis tool C-STAT has extended its coverage of the MISRA C:2012 Coding Standard and now fully supports MISRA C:2012 Amendment 1. This amendment adds 14 additional rules to MISRA C:2012 with a focus on security concerns highlighted by the ISO C Secure Guidelines. Several of these address specific issues pertaining to the use of untrustworthy data, a well-known security vulnerability.

  • Extended coverage of CERT C

    The static analysis tool C-STAT has extended its coverage of the SEI CERT C Coding Standard. The SEI CERT C Coding Standard's goal is to provide rules for developing safe, reliable, and secure systems in the C programming language, with support for C11 constructs. C-STAT covers all rules in the different CERT C sections listed on the CERT C wiki as of January 2020, with the exception of the API, CON, POS, and WIN sections, which are not applicable to IAR Systems products, yielding a total of 90 covered rules.

  • Link analysis trace information

    The link analysis messages now display trace information when relevant. For checks looking for conflicting symbol names, all conflicting declarations are now listed in the trace information instead of each pair of conflicts being described in a separate message. This might lead to fewer reported messages for the same number of found issues.

Read complete release notes





回看基于 Linux 的环境中自动构建和测试的网络研讨会。

Extending your professional Renesas RX tools to a CI/CD workflow

  • In this session, you will learn how the new IAR Build Tools for Linux available for Renesas RX can help you improve integration workflows and ensure code quality throughout the development and testing process with all the available solutions depending on your needs or requirements. This webinar is recommended for all developers or Build Teams wanting to set up or improve their existing CI/CD environments.
Watch webinar

Continuous Integration Explained

  • In this session, you will learn more about Continuous Integration including the command line build tools. We will show you how these tools can help you simplify integration and maximize code quality while allowing you to do what you do best: focusing on your code.
Watch webinar

Setting up a Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery environment

  • Setting up a Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery environment.
Watch webinar

Docker vs. virtual machine: what should I use for my automated builds?

  • In this session, you will learn the differences between Docker and virtual machines. Learn what fits best your automated build environment.
Watch webinar

Quick start to Continuous Integration with self-hosted runners

  • In this session, you will learn how self-hosted runners could be used as an alternative in your Continuous Integration environment.
Watch webinar

