Support and Update Agreement

Our Support and Update Agreement (SUA) offers extensive technical support and product updates that give you access to our latest technology.

Contact sales to get your SUA

The Standard Support and Update service is available on a per license basis and can be prolonged annually. A Support and Update Agreement gives you:

  • Access to the IAR customer portal MyPages
  • Access to various software versions and flexibility to move between software versions
  • Help desk for technical consultation
  • Temporary workarounds
  • Service releases
  • Feature releases
  • Problem report handling
  • Specified lead times

With the Functional Safety editions of our products, there is a special Functional Safety Support and Update Agreement (SUA).

Functional Safety Support and Update Agreement


With the Functional Safety editions of our products, there is a special Functional Safety Support and Update Agreement (SUA). In addition to the standard SUA, it contains:

  • Guaranteed support for the sold version for the longevity of the contract
  • Prioritized technical support
  • Validated service packs containing only fixes to known issues and information about issues
  • Regular reports of known deviations and problems

Details of SUA

IAR's technical support engineers are located all over the world in our offices in the US, Japan, China, Korea, France, Germany and Sweden. IAR also cooperates with a large range of distributors in most countries. This means you will receive support in your own time zone to maximize efficiency in your project.

Support business hours

IAR technical support business hours are Monday to Friday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM in the time zone of the office in question.

IAR MyPages

The IAR customer portal MyPages is available for you 24 hours a day, every day. MyPages offers you:

  • A secure login to the web portal
  • Access to up-to-date product information
  • Notification of new releases
  • Access to product service and feature releases
  • Complete information about the status of your licenses and agreements
  • A way to manage your contact information.

Help desk

The help desk service means that IAR expertise is never more than a phone call away. The help desk service includes email and telephone consultations during business hours (email is the preferred communication medium, for case-tracking purposes). The help desk is a complement to the documentation that came with your IAR product, to answer any questions you might have about how to use your product.

Call numbers

IAR support uses call numbers to track customer issues from start to finish. A unique call number is created for every issue you report.

The issue handling

After you have submitted an issue, IAR analyzes the reported problem and attempts to reproduce it to determine whether it is an error. IAR will also assign the issue a priority based on the severity of the problem and its impact on your project. A confirmed error (bug) will be reported to the IAR internal bug tracking system for further action. The resolution of the issue could be a written answer, or it could be a workaround procedure, or a software correction of an error.

Temporary workarounds

To get you up and running, IAR might provide you with a workaround solution. A workaround might be for short term while we work on correcting the error, or, in some instances, it might be a long term solution. A workaround might not provide the optimal solution, but in situations where you have encountered a critical problem that impacts operations or development, it will allow you to continue and reduce the severity of the reported problem. Typically, IAR will provide you with a workaround within the short time frame, along with a longer-term plan for a complete solution in the form of an update or a new release.

Reporting problems

If you need to contact IAR support concerning a problem with the product, the more information you can offer, the faster we can help you. To help us start working on a solution for you, we recommend that you provide us with:

  • The name of your company
  • Your name and email address
  • The call number, if you have received one from us earlier relating to the reported problem
  • A specification of the release and version of the product(s) in question
  • The license number of the product
  • A short description and a log of the problem and its impact on the performance of the product
  • A description of the command(s) and procedures that reveal the problem(s)
  • Examples of input
  • The resulting output and a description of how it differs from the expected output
  • A description of the hardware and software environment
  • Information about any special circumstances surrounding the discovery of the problem(s), and about what we need to reproduce it.

If you are reporting multiple problems, separate them and provide the relevant information for each one, as described above.

Service releases

The Support and Update service provides access to product service releases containing minor modifications of your products – including corrections of errors – that improve the quality but do not add any significant new features.

Feature releases

A signed Support and Update Agreement entitles you to feature releases for your product. Feature releases are, as service releases, fully tested product packages that collect previous service releases, and might contain new features or enhancements.

Detailed information about corrections, new features, and enhancements in a service or feature release can be found in the release notes for that release. You can download the releases along with their release notes from the customer portal MyPages.

Technical notes and application notes

On the IAR website, you will find a wide range of information about configuration and keywords, known problems and their solutions, and various hints and examples on how to implement specific software designs.

Other support services from IAR 

Customers who have signed up for the IAR Volume License Program can receive Priority or Extended support in addition to the Standard Support and Update Service. Contact your local IAR Sales office for more information.


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