Texas Instruments
IAR and Texas Instruments have had a close cooperation since 1995 when IAR Systems developed and delivered a tailor-made C compiler for MSP430 microcontrollers.
Since then, IAR’ best-in-class development tools have extended support for MSPM0, the TM4Cx Arm Cortex-M microcontrollers, CC27xx, Hercules Safety MCUs, and Wireless MCUs, as well as the Sitara Arm microprocessors.
TI is a global semiconductor design and manufacturing company with 100,000+ analog ICs and embedded processors, along with software, tools and support that enable new ideas that change the way we live.
TI Wireless
Our coverage of wireless platforms and architectures:
Check Compatibility
- Z-Stack—ZigBee Protocol Stack
- SimpliciTI™—SimpliciTI Network Protocol
- TIMAC™—IEEE802.15.4 Medium Acess control (MAC) software stack
- RemoTI™—ZigBee® RF4CE
- BLE - Bluetooth low energy software stack and tools
Available evaluation software