Invitation to I.A.R. Systems Group Investor Update with Haydn Povey, founder of Secure Thingz

Part two of the digital presentation series I.A.R. Systems Group Investor Update focuses on security

Stockholm, Sweden—March 15, 2021— I.A.R. Systems Group AB (publ) (“IAR Systems”) invites shareholders to a digital presentation on March 18. 16:00 CET. The Presentation will be held by Haydn Povey who is the CEO and founder of Secure Thingz and General Manager Embedded Security Solutions at IAR Systems. Haydn will share his predictions for 2021 for the IoT security market and give a global update on security legislations and how these trends and movements are impacting the company’s market positioning.

Registration for the presentation is available at the following link:

For questions, contact IR contact Josefin Skarin at [email protected].

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