IAR Build Tools for AVR

Our well-known build tools in IAR Embedded Workbench for AVR are available in frameworks built on Ubuntu, Red Hat or Windows. These tools offer leading code quality, outstanding optimizations for size and speed, and fast build times.



Complete build tools for AVR

The build tools include the IAR C/C++ Compiler, IAR Assembler, Linker and the command line build utility IARBuild for supporting cross platform-based frameworks for automated application build and test processes. The build tools enable large-scale deployments of critical software building and testing for automotive applications.



Flexible and high performance

Suitable for installations ranging from a few licenses on a small build server, to massive installations with several hundreds of parallel builds active at the same time.


Leading code optimizations

Complete set of build tools with leading optimization technology for creating compact and energy-efficient systems.


Modern, scalable workflows

Support for modern and scalable build server topologies on Ubuntu, Red Hat and Windows for CI/CD pipelines including Virtual Machines, Containers (Docker) and Self-hosted Runners.


On-demand training included

When you buy a license of IAR Build Tools for AVR, you get access to free training courses through our IAR Academy on Demand offering.


IAR Build Tools for Linuxで可能に



継続的インテグレーション (CI) と継続的デリバリ (CD)


Latest releases

We are constantly updating and refining our tools with new features, new device support and extended capabilities.

Latest version: 8.10

  • New linker
    A new AVR-specific linker is introduced with this release. It is based on the previous (generic) XLINK linker, but the new version can automatically select runtime libraries based on the object file attributes. 
  • Support for the C18 and C++17 language standards

    The compiler and libraries add support for the language standards known as C18 and C++17. 

  • Additional GNU C language extensions

    In extended language mode, the IAR C/C++ Compiler supports a number of new GCC-style operators, attributes, and expressions. See the compiler release notes for details.

  • Unicode support

    The Unicode standard for consistent encoding, representation, and handling of text is now supported. This means that you can use Unicode characters (alphabetic, numeric, symbols, emoji, etc) in the source code.

  • Iarbuild enhancements

    The iarbuild command line build utility now supports:

    • Generating a Ninja build file based on the IAR Embedded Workbench project format
    • Generating a JSON description of the Embedded Workbench project
    • More C-STAT reporting and configuration methods
  • Updated device support

    The device support files have been updated to the most recent version from Microchip.

  • Updated user documentation

    The user documentation has been updated to reflect the product changes.

Read complete release notes





Linux ベースの環境での自動構築とテストに関するオンラインセミナーを提供しています。

Continuous Integration Explained

  • In this session, you will learn more about Continuous Integration including the command line build tools. We will show you how these tools can help you simplify integration and maximize code quality while allowing you to do what you do best: focusing on your code.
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Setting up a Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery environment

  • Setting up a Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery environment.
Watch webinar

Docker vs. virtual machine: what should I use for my automated builds?

  • In this session, you will learn the differences between Docker and virtual machines. Learn what fits best your automated build environment.
Watch webinar

Quick start to Continuous Integration with self-hosted runners

  • In this session, you will learn how self-hosted runners could be used as an alternative in your Continuous Integration environment.
Watch webinar


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