



IAR Embedded Workbench for RISC-V - Version 3.11

  • Andes CoDense extensions
    Andes V5 architecture code density enhancement, to reduce program code size
  • P extension support
    Standard Extension for Packed-SIMD Instructions, updated to 0.9.11
  • Debugger enhancements
    GDB server improvements – more debug server variants supportedSMP and AMP multicore debugging improvements
  • Editor enhancements
    Window color themes – dark mode improvements
  • Visual Studio Code extensions
    The IAR Build and IAR C-SPY Debug extensions available on Microsoft Marketplace enable you to work in Visual Studio Code (with IAR Embedded Workbench installed) to: - Build IAR Embedded Workbench projects- Run the C-STAT static analysis tool- Debug applications using the same range of hardware/debug probes as in IAR Embedded Workbench
  • New devices
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IAR Embedded Workbench for RH850 - Version 3.10

  • Library support for the C++17 language standard
  • Additional GNU C language extensions
  • Editor and IDE enhancements including Dark Mode
  • Iarbuild enhancements
  • 64-bit Windows application
  • Visual Studio Code support

    The IAR Build and IAR C-SPY Debug extensions available on Microsoft Marketplace enable you to work in Visual Studio Code (with IAR Embedded Workbench installed) to:
    - Build IAR Embedded Workbench projects
    - Run the C-STAT static analysis tool
    - Debug applications using the same range of hardware/debug probes as in IAR Embedded Workbench

  • Updated device support
  • Updated user documentation
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IAR Build Tools for RH850 - Version 3.10

  • Library support for the C++17 language standard
  • Additional GNU C language extensions
  • Iarbuild enhancements
  • 64-bit Windows application
  • Visual Studio Code support

    The IAR Build and IAR C-SPY Debug extensions available on Microsoft Marketplace enable you to work in Visual Studio Code (with IAR Build Tools or IAR Embedded Workbench installed) to:
    - Build IAR Embedded Workbench projects
    - Run the C-STAT static analysis tool
    - Debug applications* using the same range of hardware/debug probes as in IAR Embedded Workbench
    *requires IAR Embedded Workbench for RH850

  • Updated device support
  • Updated user documentation
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IAR Build Tools for Arm - Version 9.30

  • Arm Cortex-M85 support
  • Arm Cortex-M Custom Instructions support
  • Cortex-R52+ support
  • Extended Armv8-A support
  • Library support for the C++17 language standard
  • Additional GNU C language extensions
  • Visual Studio Code support

    The IAR Build and IAR C-SPY Debug extensions available on Microsoft Marketplace enable you to work in Visual Studio Code (with IAR Build Tools or IAR Embedded Workbench installed) to:
    - Build IAR Embedded Workbench projects
    - Run the C-STAT static analysis tool
    - Debug applications* using the same range of hardware/debug probes as in IAR Embedded Workbench
    *requires IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm

  • Support for new devices
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IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm - Version 9.30

  • Arm Cortex-M85 support
  • Arm Cortex-M Custom Instructions support
  • Cortex-R52+ support
  • Extended Armv8-A support
  • Library support for the C++17 language standard
  • Additional GNU C language extensions
  • Editor and IDE enhancements including Dark Mode
  • Visual Studio Code support

    The IAR Build and IAR C-SPY Debug extensions available on Microsoft Marketplace enable you to work in Visual Studio Code (with IAR Embedded Workbench installed) to:
    - Build IAR Embedded Workbench projects
    - Run the C-STAT static analysis tool
    - Debug applications using the same range of hardware/debug probes as in IAR Embedded Workbench

  • Support for new devices
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IAR Visual State - Version 11.1.1

  • New user interface
    This release contains a new user interface that unifies editing and all other tools into the same application.
  • Windows and Linux Support
    The product is available for both Microsoft Windows and Linux
  • Updated user documentation
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C-Trust and Embedded Trust 2.0

  • Version 2.0 of C-Trust and Embedded Trust includes new device support and several new features for securing existing applications.

  • Explore C-Trust - security extension in IAR Embedded Workbench, delivering encrypted code automatically.

  • Explore Embedded Trust - Security Development Environment, simplifying the configuration of security and securing new and existing applications.

IAR Embedded Workbench for RISC-V, V 3.10

  • 64-bit RISC-V core support

    • Support for RV64 RISC-V cores and the RV64I base instruction set
    • Support for RV64 devices from Andes, Codasip, Microchip, Nuclei and SiFive
  • Library support for the C++17 language standard
    • The toolset now includes a new C++ library that supports C++17 library features.
  • Debug enhancements
    • RV64 core debug support
    • SMP multicore debug support for I-jet
  • Editor enhancements
    • Window color themes - dark mode
    • Gray out inactive code
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Functional safety edition of IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm - New version

    • Arm 64-bit core support
      - Arm architecture v8-A/v8.2-A AArch64
      – ILP32 and LP64 data models
    • Windows / Linux 64-bit application
    • High performance 64-bit C-SPY simulator based on new simulator technology
    • C-STAT extended coverage of the MISRA C:2012 Amendment 2
    • Editor themes
    • Editor syntax feedback
    • Additional GNU C language extensions
    • CVE-2021-35465 M33/M55 compiler security workaround
    • New devices
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Functional safety edition of IAR Build Tools for Arm

    • Support for Red Hat and Windows, in addition to previous support for Ubuntu
    • Arm 64-bit core support
      – Arm architecture v8-A/v8.2-A AArch64
      – ILP32 and LP64 data models
    • Additional GNU C language extensions
    • New device support
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IAR Embedded Workbench for RISC-V - Version 2.11

Release notes for version 2.11

  • Editor enhancements
    • Editor themes - a new way to set up the colors and fonts in the text editor
    • Syntax feedback - instant syntax suggestions while typing
  • Device support

    Support for the following devices has been added: 

    • Codasip L30, L30F, L50 and L50F
  • Additional Debug drivers
    • GDB Server
    • Simplified Third Party Driver
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Compliance Suite for STM32

  • Compliance Suite for STM32 includes security development tools and practical guidance, delivering a shrink-wrapped solution for organizations to ensure security assurance in their IoT applications.
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C-Trust Version 1.60

  • Latest C-Trust adds support for new devices.
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IAR Build Tools for Arm - Cross-plattform support

  • Streamlined automated build and test processes in frameworks built on Ubuntu, Red Hat or Windows.
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IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm Version 9.20

  • Arm Cortex-M55 support

    Support for the new Cortex-M55 core based on the ARMv8.1-M architecture with features such as MVE (the Helium M-profile Vector Extension) and Low Overhead loops.

  • IDE Editor updates
    • Editor themes - a new way to set up the colors and fonts in the text editor
    • Syntax feedback - instant syntax suggestions while typing
    • Improved parameter hints
  • Additional GNU C language extensions
    • pure and const function attributes
    • GNU style statement expressions
    • GNU style case ranges
    • GNU style designated initializer ranges
    • Binary literals with a 0b prefix
  • Support for latest devices

    Added support for devices from Analog Devices, HDSC, HSXP-HK, Microchip, NXP, Renesas, STMicroelectronics and Toshiba. See the complete list in the release notes.

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IAR Build Tools for Linux for RISC-V - Functional safety edition

  • IAR Build Tools for Linux for RISC-V is now available in a functional safety edition, certified by TÜV SÜD as a qualified tool for safety-related embedded development.
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IAR Embedded Workbench for RISC-V Version 2.10

  • RISC-V standard extension Bit-manip (RV32B)
    • Assembler, simulator, and compiler support for the subgroups Zba, Zbb, Zbc, and Zbs from the RISC-V standard extension RVB 
  • Andes V5 performance extensions
    • Assembler, simulator, compiler, and library support for Andes V5 performance extensions
  • Debug enhancements
    • For devices that support system bus access, the watch windows now support live update of variables 
    • Handling of different reset modes has been improved
  • Iarbuild enhancements

    The iarbuild command line build utility now supports:

    • Generating a Ninja build file based on the IAR Embedded Workbench project format
    • Generating a JSON description of the Embedded Workbench project
    • More C-STAT reporting and configuration methods
  • Improved Code Completion
    • Wider scope of assisted situations, for example when adding include files
    • More information is shown with the suggestions, for example information on function parameters and types
    • ’Fuzzy matching’ aids in identifying suggested completions
  • Device support

    Support for the following devices has been added: 

    • Andes A27, A45, D45 and N45
    • Fraunhofer EMSA5
  • 64-bit Windows
    • IAR Embedded Workbench for RISC-V is now built for 64-bit Windows
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IR & Media contact


Head of Corporate Communications

Hanna Laurentz

+ 46 18 16 78 00